

Suppliers List

The Suppliers option allows to enter information on all of your suppliers.

Button - Modify

Select an existing supplier and click the Modify button to edit its properties.

Button - Add

Click the Add button to create a new supplier record from scratch.

Button - Remove

Select an existing supplier and click the Remove button to delete it from the list.

Click Close to close this list and return to the Inventory Management Module.

Show record number

Enable this option to display the internal Record ID in the suppliers list.

Supplier Properties


Enter a code for the supplier.


Enter the name of your supplier.


Enter the phone number of your supplier.

Address #1, Address #2, Address #3

Enter the complete address of your supplier.


Enter the name of the person to contact for purchases.

Customer Number

You can enter in this field your customer number for this supplier.

SYSCO Number

Enter your SYSCO supplier number of up to 5 digits to exchange electronic Purchase Order files with the SYSCO Food Services.

Payable Account

Enable the account payable for this supplier.

Last updated
