Type List


Enable a function for this button. See the following table for the different functions available for different buttons.


List of available commands per type

Items, Course, Discount

Course, Discount, Item, Item Class, Mode, Mode description, Preferential screen, Preferential screen description, Revenue center description, Revenue center, Revenue center switch, Variable list.

Main Commands, Command List

Cash payment, Close, Command list, Exit | Clear, Go client, Media Select, Print, Punch clock, Reading, Send, Table, Waiter.

Items Commands

Add | Reorder, Client adjustment, Display recipe, Item Availability, Item property, Item Recipes, Item Waste, Less | Void, Manual bar code, Next dollar, Order time | Price, PLU (Order by PLU number), Price override, Quantity selection, Re-order last round, Set number of customers, Split item, Upsize, Void order.

Check Commands

Check redistribution, Credit card number entry, Do Combo, Print Current Customer, Skip order detail on check, Split check, Undo Combo, Void check, Waste Sale Item.

Delivery Commands

Delivery credit, Delivery customer selection, Delivery history, Delivery last order recall, Delivery order time, Delivery pre-order recall, Delivery warranty.

Scroll Commands

Next client, Next preferential screen, Previous client, Previous preferential screen, Scroll order down, Scroll order up.

Other Commands

Alternate | Regular, A/R customer name on kitchen chit, Assign name to table, Balance the bar interface, Break-In, Close all trays, Clear fast order, Combo Screen Suggestion, Compiled, Count Customer, Count Item, Display Customer Count, Delivery | Pickup List, Delivery | Pickup Switch, Display the current time, Employee function, External command, Fire, Food runner, Frequent Diner Selection, General Message, Hold, No sale, Ord by Bar Controller | Ord by POS, Park Table, Preferential screen selection, Print last check, Remark on request, Status, Substitution List, Takeover | Release, Transaction timer.

All Commands

To have the list of all available commands.

Last updated

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