Daily permanent sales

Maitre'D's Daily Permanent Sales Report shows you the same non-resettable totals as the Permanent Report, but on a daily basis. It acts like a journal printer and keeps running sales since the beginning of the restaurant's operation. The following is a sample of the Daily Permanent Sales report:


Accounting day.

Sales Total:

Total sales since the beginning of the restaurant's operation.

Sales Daily:

Difference between total sales after that day and total sales before that day.

Discounts Total:

Total of all discounts since the beginning of the restaurant's operation.

Discounts Daily:

Difference between total discounts after that day and total discounts before that day.

Taxes Total:

Total of all taxes since the beginning of the restaurant's operation.

Taxes Daily:

Difference between total taxes after that day and total taxes before that day.

Voids Total:

Total of all voids since the beginning of the restaurant's operation.

Voids Daily:

Difference between total voids after that day and total voids before that day.

Training Total:

All training sales since the beginning of the restaurant's operation.

Training Daily:

Difference between total training sales after that day and total training sales before that day.

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