Download Maitre'D Setup Files

Download Maitre'D Setup Files

To be able to download files for the Maitre'D POS system, you need a distributor account. Please contact your sales representative to obtain an account if you don't already have one.

Logon to the Maitre'D Distributor Portal

  1. Select your language.

  2. Enter your username and password.

  3. Click the Login button.

Access the Software Downloads Section

  1. Click the Support link, either at the very top of the page or in the main body.

Screenshot - Distributor Portal
  1. Click Knowledge Base. (You may need to scroll down a bit) This will open a new browser window.

Screenshot - Distributor Portal
  1. Click the Knowledge Base tile.

KB Tile
  1. Click the Software Downloads tile.

Software Downloads Tile
  1. Click the Maitre'D 7 Back-Office Suite Downloads link.

Screenshot - Software Downloads

Download the file(s) you need

For Maitre'D 7, there are 3 downloads:

Service Pack Update

Download this file if Maitre'D is already installed and needs to be upgraded to the latest version.

Maitre'D Update Download

Maitre'D Back-Office Full Install

Download this file to install Maitre'D from scratch on a new system. Includes Service Pack Update

Maitre'D Back-Office Full Install Download

Maitre'D Back-Office DVD

Download this file to have the full contents of the original Maitre'D DVD, which includes the Maitre'D Back-Office Full Install, with a graphical user interface to facilitate the installation of backup and auxiliary servers, POS workstations, etc.

Maitre'D Back-Office DVD Download

IMPORTANT! Downloaded files are *.zip archives that need to be extracted for the installation to work. Please see Extracting Files

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