POS Control - Check

Detailed Check

Enable this option so that the Print Check screen on the touchscreen workstation includes an option allowing servers to print the totals by customer.

Tax on Receipt

Enable this option to print taxes on the receipt.

Receipt Without Amount

Enable this option so that payment receipts do not contain any amounts pertaining to the total due or payment media used. Otherwise, the normal receipt is printed with the amount of the guest check.

Enable this option to print the invoice number in a bar code format. The check can be recognized using a bar code scanner at the terminal.

NOTE: Make sure that the printer can print bar codes by configuring appropriate settings under Point of Sale Control > Workstation > Printer Type > Setup.

Enable this option to force the printout of a receipt every time a discount is applied to a check.

Enable this option to show the total of the inclusive taxes above the check total.

NOTE: This is printed only if the taxes do not have the Separate Printout option enabled in Point of Sale Control > Payments > Taxes > Options.

Amount in Literal Format

Enable this option to spell out the total amount on every invoice, as required in Mexico.

NOTE: You also need to set the Language field to Second Language and the Second Language field to Espanol in Point of Sale Control > View > Options > Configuration.

Special Menu Printout

Enable this option to print main priced items separately from included components and regular sales items on the guest's check when Special Menu Settings are validated.

NOTE: The Use Special Menu option must also be enabled in Point of Sale Control > Employees > Configuration > Order > Special Menu. Also, Combos are not compatible with this option.

Closed Check Reprint

Enable this option to reprint a fully detailed duplicate of a closed check with the settlement information when touching the Print button on the Close screen, instead of only a receipt with the total and settlement.

No Invoice Printing

Enable this option to prevent guest checks from printing.

NOTE: This option cannot be used in jurisdictions where any form of Sales Recording Module or fiscal printer is required. Please check with local fiscal authorities before using this option.

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