
Report View

Drill Down

Enable this option to use a navigation structure within custom generated reports that allows to collapse and expand sections.

Group Tree

Enable this option to display a navigation tree in a left pane that allows navigating through sections of generated reports.

Document Tips

Enable this option to show bubble-type help when hovering over sections of generated reports.


Enable this option to allow locating strings of characters in generated reports.

Home Page

Use Default

If this option is enabled, the Maitre'D default home page for the Report Center module will be used.


Enter the URL of your head-office's intranet or your complete URL on the Maitre'D Databoard server that will be used instead of the default local home page for the Report Center module.

Maitre'D Databoard Identification

User name

Enter the user name to access the Maitre'D Databoard server.


Enter the password to access the Maitre'D Databoard server.

Confirm Password

Confirm the password to access the Maitre'D Databoard server.

Last updated
