Personnal Information US

Personal Information (US)

The options on this screen are for information purposes only, and are not used for reporting purposes.


Birth date

Enter the birth date of the employee, according to the date format set up in the system.

Social Security

Enter the employee's social security number.

Previous Social

If the employee gets a new social security number, enter the previous one here. This field is usually used if the employee was a temporary alien and just received a green card.


Left click the Drop Down arrow to select from a choice of sex for the employee.


Left click the Drop Down arrow to select from a choice of EEOC code for the employee, which you have previously set up in Time & Attendance / Set Up / EEOC .

Marital Status

Left click the Drop Down arrow to select from a choice of marital status for the employee.

School District

For Ohio residents, enter the school district zone for the employee.


Hiring Date

Enter the hiring date for the employee. This is the day you decided to hire the employee.

Beginning Date

Enter the beginning date for the employee. This is the day of the first shift worked by the employee.

Termination Date

Enter the termination date for the employee (when known).


Job Code

Enter a job code for the employee that is assigned by your corporate office. This code appears in the P13-P14 reports.


Enter the number of hours per day the employee normally works.


Check this field if the employee is available for relocation.

Scheduled Hours

If the number of hours per week the employee is to work is not in the Rate Hours list, enter it in this field, and set the Rate Hours field to Other.

New Function

Enable the appropriate function for this employee.

Meal Plan

Left click the Drop Down arrow to select from a choice of Meal Plan for the employee, which you had previously set up in Time & Attendance / Set Up /Meal Plan

Rate Code

Left click the Drop Down arrow to select from a choice of Rate Code for the employee.

Rate Hours

Left click the Drop Down arrow to select from a choice of Rate Hours that the employee is to work per week. If the number of hours is not in the list, select Other and enter the hours desired in the Scheduled Hours field.


Transferred To

If the employee was transferred to another location, enter the code for the location the employee was transferred to. Your corporate office assigns these location codes.

Termination Reason

Left click the Drop Down arrow to select from a choice of Termination Reasons for the employee, which you have previously set up in Time & Attendance / Set Up / Termination

Termination Code

Enter the termination code for the employee. Your corporate office assigns the codes.

Last updated
