Finalizing a Pre-Authorization

Finalizing a Pre-Authorization

The Finalization is the process by which the actual purchase amount is funded from the credit card. At the same time, any tips that the customer wishes to give to the employee are added to the final amount.

IMPORTANT! Do not skip the finalization process. Otherwise, the transaction will not be funded. The merchant will lose the value of the sale and the employee will lose on the tips.

Finalization process

  1. Exit from the order screen or the table number screen until you reach the SERVER NUMBER prompt. Enter your server number and press the READING key.

  1. Un-finalized bar tabs will show up as blue boxes on the screen. The letter "A" in the upper-left corner of the blue box means that this is an Authorized transaction. The 3 or 4 digits immediately following the "A" correspond to the last 3 or 4 digits of the check. Press the blue box that corresponds to the bar tab you wish to finalize.

POS - Table Verification
  1. Verify the check number and transaction information. Here, you can validate the full check number, the table number, check amount, the brand and the last 4 digits of the credit card number used to settle the bar tab. Once you have confirmed that this is the correct transaction to be finalized, press the Finalization key at the bottom of the screen.

POS - Verify transaction
  1. A keypad will appear. This is where you can enter the finalization amount.

POS - Finalize Amount
  1. Type the TOTAL AMOUNT, (check total + tips) as written down by the customer on the TOTAL line of the merchant copy of the transaction record.

Signed merchant copy

Finalization screen at the Point of Sale

  1. A confirmation screen will appear. Confirm that the amount is correct and press OK.

POS - Finalize Confirmation
  1. The payment terminal will automatically process the request. This process is completely automated, and the customer's credit card is not required.

  1. A final transaction record with the final amount and tip adjustment will be printed.

Transaction Record - Merchant Copy (FINAL)

IMPORTANT! It is not strictly necessary to have the customer sign this last copy of the transaction record. However, it is strongly recommended to do so if the customer made mistakes while filling the tip and total lines on the original copy. This could protect the merchant against chargebacks.

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