Items Setup List
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The Items Setup selection list is divided into a Tree & Branches layout.
Enable a sales item's root to open up the item's main setup.
Enable a sales item's branch to open up the item's configuration by revenue center & mode.
You can sort sales items based on the Item Description, PLU, Division or Function columns.
You can search for sales items by Item Description, PLU, Division, Function, Revenue Center and Mode.
NOTE: As you type, the search engine only displays items that contain the string, within the set filters. For example, if you perform a search with the string "Shrimp" the system will show all items with that word.
Group By
You can group the display of sales items, so that they are easier to locate, based on the Items Description, Division or Function
You can filter the display of sales items to only a portion of all available items, based on the Revenue Center, Division and/or Function.
This button allows to modify information on a Sales Item's record. Select a sales item's Root and click on the MODIFY button to modify an item's main setup. Select a sales item's Branch and click on the MODIFY button to modify an item's configuration by revenue center & mode. The record will display and you will be allowed to change any field.
This button allows to setup a new Sales Item.
This button allows to delete a Sales Item's record. Select a sales item's Root and click on the REMOVE button to remove the whole item. Select a sales item's Branch and click on the REMOVE button to remove this item's configuration by revenue center & mode. A warning message will prompt you for a confirmation to delete that record. Click on YES to delete this record.
This button allows to duplicate an Item's record. Select a sales item's Root and click on the DUPLICATE button to create a copy of that source item to a new sales item. The resulting item will have the same prices in all existing revenue centers and modes, and the same name, except for the characters _2 added at the end. You can then rename that new item, and adjust its prices if need be. This is useful, for example, to create all appetizers one after the other, after setting up your first appetizer.