Usage List
Enable a function for this button. See the following table for the different functions available for different buttons.
Items, Course, Discount
Enable the course # which this order is to be. Course 1 to 9.
NOTE: This option is available only if you also enable the Compilation option in Point of Sale Control / Revenue Center / Options / Options / Kitchen.
Enable a discount.
Enable an Item.
Item Class
Select an Item Class.
Enable the Mode you wish to switch the current order to.
NOTE: Usage field changes to mode when Field type is Mode.
Preferential Screen
Enable the preferential screen that will be called.
Variable List
Enable the variable list that will be called.
Main Commands, Commands List
Cash Payment
Enter the $ amount.
Command List
Enable the CMD list.
Media Select
Enable one of your payment media types.
Item Commands
Next Dollar
Enter the dollar "slice" that Maitre'D will use to calculate change.
Ex. Next .50 cents, $1.00, $5.00.
Enable the number of the upsize, between 1 & 10.
Other Commands
External Command
Enable the external application you defined on the workstations. For example, if you would like to have access to Windows Calculator, define it as ExtCmd1 in the POS.INI of your workstations. Then select External Command #1 from the drop-down list.
NOTE: By default, while the other application is running, the workstation is disabled and cannot send orders to shared printers. Also, beware of the fact that some external program could enter in conflict with the Maitre'D program.
Food Runner
If a value between 1 and 3 is entered in this field, the button becomes a display area to show the last, second to last or third to last order.
NOTE: If the value is set to 0, the button only brings up the food runner screen without waiting for the default delay. To specify the amount of text displayed before a More button appears within the Food Runner area, add the following configuration key & value in the Miscellaneous section of the BO.ini file under the C:\Posera\MaitreD\Data directory: FoodRunnerLineNumber=x where x is the number of lines.
Last updated
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