Reset Control File/Log


Reset Control File

During the End of Day process, Maitre'D can create a Full Data Extract to be sent to the Corporate Office. This Full Data Extract contains the equivalent of the Full System Backup as well as the Archived Checks. To keep the size of this file as small as it can, the file includes only data files that were modified from the last End of Day. To create a Full Data Extract file that will include all databases again, you must reset the Control File, type YES to confirm the operation.

Cumulative Files

Disable this option to exclude Cumulative sales from the new Full Data Extract.

Archive Files

Disable this option to exclude Archived checks from the new Full Data Extract.



The Log option allows to start and view operations traces about Converter Module.

Log Level

Three different Log level are available, Standard, Detail and Debug. This option is for trouble shooting purpose and should be use only with the supervision of your Maitre'D reseller.

Use the View key to access to log file.

Last updated
