Items Comparison Consolidated

Maitre'D item comparison consolidated report compares the items gross sales. The graphic shows you the gross sales variation for the 2 dates or the 2 dates range period selected. The graphic is divided in 2 sections: top 15 items increase and top 15 items decrease. One section provides you with 15 items that had the highest increase in variation and the second one provides you with 15 items that had the most decrease in variation. From a report filter window, you select the appropriate dates or date range, the appropriate comparison date or date range, categories, divisions, Revenue Centers and modes for which you need information. The following is a sample of the items comparison consolidated report:

Report Sample - Items Comparison Consolidated

You get a detailed list of all the information shown on the graphic for the 2 dates or the 2 period of time selected. The items are sorted by item#. The first set of columns shows information on the fiscal date and the second set of columns shows information on the comparison date.

For each item find:


Quantity of item sold (applies to the fiscal and comparison date)


Item gross sales (applies to the fiscal and comparison date)


Comparison date $ amount LESS fiscal date $ amount


Variation divided by the $ amount (from the fiscal date) multiply by 100

Take note: a total quantity, $ amount, variation and variation % shows up at the top of the graphic. This total includes all items shown on the report.

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