POS Control - Configuration > Option

Permanent Meters

Enable this option to update Sales Units in real time and appear in the meter section on the server financial report. The servers can declare the value of the meters at the start and end of their shift. Otherwise, Permanent Meters will not be functional.

30 Minutes Meter Interval

The detailed meter report contains meters sold by 15 minutes intervals. Enable this option to have the report in 30 minutes intervals instead.

Bar Code with Price

Enable this option to use the price encoded within the barcode instead of the price defined in the sales item setup.

The first digit of the barcode must be 2 and the first seven digits are tested to find the corresponding items. Digits 8 through 11 are used as the item price. See the UPC guideline # 11 for more details on barcodes.

Manual Sales Item Cost

Enable this option to manually enter the sales item cost for each item, in Point of Sale Control > Revenue Center > Items Setup... > [Select an item] > Configuration > [Select a configuration] > Price and Cost > Cost. Leave this options disabled to use the cost value calculated by the Inventory Management module.

NOTE: This option works only if the Inventory Management Module is available on your Maitre'D License.

Daily Deposit

Enable this option to request the daily deposit before starting the end of day. When the end of day is started, the user will automatically be prompted to enter a daily deposit amount. The amount entered will appear in the daybook reports with the daily balance.

PLU Mandatory

Enable this option to force the entry of a PLU code link every time a new sales item is created.

24 hours Operation

Enable this option for businesses that operate 24 hours a day. This will allow the end of day to run with open checks or tables. Any open checks or tables are automatically transferred to the next fiscal day.

European Operation

Enable this option to calculate inclusive taxes for the European, UK and Australian markets.

VAT Calculation

Enable this option to calculate the Value Added Tax on the invoice total instead of per item.

NOTE: The European Operation option also need to be enabled.

Meal Counting

Enable this option to count the number of meals on the activity report. For more information on counting the Number of Meals, refer to the Items Setup Options. Disable this option to display the customer count on the activity report instead. (Servers enter the number of customers when they enter orders.)

Table Assignment

Enable this option to have the Hostess function manage the sections of the restaurant, including table verification, floor plan, section assignment, smoking status, number of customers seated and seating availability. Otherwise, the Hostess function will work in the "Control Buffet" mode.

Alternate Discount Calculation

You can calculate Item/Division discounts with two inclusive taxes using the same method as in European Operation option. With this option enabled, Maitre'D extracts the inclusive taxes from the sales item price before the discount is calculated. With this option disabled, Maitre'D calculates the discount before extracting the inclusive taxes.

Multiple Fast Cash Key

Enable this option to allow the use of Fast Cash buttons lower than the check total multiple times. Every time a Fast Cash button is touched, if the button is not enough to close the invoice, this amount will be cumulated with the next Fast Cash button. Once the total cumulated amount is enough to cover the check total, the payment will be accepted.

Reactivate Temp. Withdrawn Items at the EOD

Activate this option to disable the Temporary Withdrawal option of all items for the next fiscal day so that they can be sold again from the External Order System (EOS) and the Points of Sales.

Auto close external orders at EOD

Activate this option to automatically close external (web) orders during the End-of-Day process. This will only affect orders which already have a payment applied. Unpaid orders will remain open.

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