Before Installing a new POS

Before a Maitre'D POS workstation can be installed, a number of things must be in place:

  1. The Maitre'D Back-Office server must be running and connected to the network.

  2. Make sure that the POS hardware meets the minimum requirement for your application. See Hardware Requirements.

  3. Make sure the POS runs a supported operating system. See Operating System Requirements.

  4. Just like the Maitre'D Back-Office PC, make sure to update the operating system and use all of its security features. See Before Installing Maitre'DChap 1: Hardware and Software Requirements.

  5. Connect the POS to the network and make sure it can communicate with the Maitre'D Back-Office PC and use its shared folder. See Configure your Windows Network Profile.

Please review the items above and resolve any issue before attempting to install the Maitre'D POS software on your new POS hardware.

With this out of the way, proceed to the next topics.

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