Save System Management

Save System Management

The Save System Management option allows to save the Back-Office setup information onto an external media. Suppose you have 2 restaurants that you want to have similar configurations. You can set up one system, then copy the System Configuration to another store. This procedure does not copy employee files or any other files that are specific to each restaurant, such as sales history.

The Back-Office saves the information in the same manner as in the End of Day option.

NOTE: Before you use the Save System Management option, make sure you have used the End of Day option to close the previous day. You might also want to review the section Save Extended System Management to see if this copy function is better suited to your needs

Enable the Save system Management option.

The Save System Management function copies these following files to the external media.

  • File002.dat Tax

  • File004.dat Inventory Unit

  • File006.dat Division

  • File007.dat Sales Items Details

  • File008.dat Sales Items

  • File013.dat Promotion (Discounts)

  • File021.dat Inventory

  • File030.dat Preferential Screens for Small Device

  • File035.dat Inventory Type

  • File036.dat Bergs (Sales Units)

  • File054.dat Logical printers

  • File055.dat Inventory configuration

  • File057.dat Column selector for inventory reports

  • File058.dat Product type (Inventory Category)

  • File070.dat Preferential Screens

  • File090.dat PLU conversion table for NCR2160

  • File092.dat Tax breakpoints table

  • File094.dat Preference item for touch screen

  • File096.dat Included item

  • File100.dat Mandatory division

  • File106.dat Program configuration for DESQview (External Tasks)

  • File129.dat Weighted Modifier

  • File146.dat Screen Layout Template

  • File148.dat Main configuration Exploitation report

  • File149.dat Detail configuration Exploitation report

  • File153.dat Summary of sold items Report SETUP

  • File154.dat Summary of sold items Report DATA

  • File159.dat Programmable lists

  • File160.dat Programmable lists description

  • File161.dat Detail of discounts definition

  • File164.dat PLU Number stored in BTREE

  • File165.dat Sold Item report description

  • File196.dat Item level Modifiers

  • File198.dat Combo Meal

  • File200.dat Screen Layouts

  • File201.dat Screen Layouts for Small Device

  • File202.dat Command list description

  • File203.dat Command data

  • File220.dat Recipe Header

  • File221.dat Inventory Recipe Detail

  • File222.dat Item Recipe Detail

  • WScreen.prg Workstation Custom Large Screens Design

NOTE: Some of the files that are listed might not be included in the Save System Management function depending on the set up that you have made under the View / Options / Report

Last updated
