Date Control

Date Control

The Date Control option allows to modify dates used by the Back-Office. You may change the beginning and ending date of the year, the first day of the week, the last closed day and the last daily report. Modifying these dates affects Weekly, Periodic and Yearly reports. Monthly reports always rely on calendar months and will therefore remain unaffected by these settings.

First Day of the Week

Select the day on which you want the sales reports begin every week. For instance, if you select Monday, the weekly reports will span from Monday to Sunday.

Start of Year

Select the first day of the accounting year. The Back-Office calculates the periods according to these dates. The annual report contains these dates and all dates in between.

NOTE: It is perfectly normal and acceptable for businesses to use yearly start and end dates that are different from the legal calendar year.

End of year

Select the last day of the accounting year.

NOTE: The last day of the year determines the current fiscal year number. For example, if the last day of the year is March 31, 2022, then the current fiscal year is 2022.

Last Closing Day

Select the date of the last closing day. When you first install the Back-Office, set this date to the previous day. The accounting system uses this date for reports.

Daily Summary Number

Number of days closed since the system went Live.

NOTE: This number is updated automatically and cannot be modified.

Period [1 - 13]

The accounting year can be divided in periods of one to five weeks. There can be as many as thirteen periods in a year. Program the number of weeks that each period should contain. Use partial weeks that can exist at the start and end of year. If not enough weeks are programmed; the extra weeks will fall in the last programmed period.

Last updated
