PA-DSS requirement 10.2.1

Securely deliver remote payment application updates

Maitre’D Hot Fixes and Service Packs

The Maitre’D software does not update itself remotely. Patches, hotfixes and service packs are all hand-tested in our QA labs before being released.

Once released, the hotfixes are stored on a secure server. Only authorized and qualified Maitre’D technicians are allowed to login to this server to download the hotfixes. Once downloaded, the hotfix needs to be installed manually by an authorized Maitre’D technician.

Authorized and qualified Maitre’D service technicians can download the latest service packs from the following secure website (Username and password required):

Any file obtained by any other means than our secured website should be deleted and re-downloaded to preserve the integrity of the chain-of-trust.

Additionally, the SHA hash is displayed next to the service pack download link. This hash can be counter-verified with various checksum utilities that can be downloaded from the web.

Last updated
